Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian

Now I’ve watched the new Narnia movie, “Prince Caspian”. The movie was very good but you should not compare it to the novel… The basics were the same, but half of the movie/novel (however you choose to see it) is altered. There is a lot of action, a lot of beautiful views and everything is very well-made. One thing that surprised me – in a good way – was that they had obviously thought about the small but important detail that the Telmarins had a special accent!

The Secret Family of Jesus

The Secret Family of Jesus

I watched a documentary today that was both historically and religiously interesting. It was about Jesus’ kinship with John the Baptist, Jesus’ half-brother Jacob (according to this documentary he was a son of Joseph from an earlier relationship), and about how the Christian Church has tried to conceal for ages that is was actually Jacob and the rest of Jesus’ family who were the leaders of the new Christians.

Official Fanclub? My Fanclub? YEEEY!!!

Official Fanclub? My Fanclub? YEEEY!!!

My fanclub has been chosen to be the official Swedish fanclub!!! We’ve waited for this decision for 6 months, and for each passing month I’ve been more and more pessimistic, and believed that THF would be chosen. But that wasn’t how it turned out. I was even happier when I got a text message from Thalia, my friend in Belgium, saying that her fanclub also was chosen to be official!

It’s A Boy!

It’s A Boy!

John Ira Shepherd Hanson, that’s the most recent addition to the Hanson family. Zac’s first child.
Young Zac, I remember when he was 13 years old and was sitting there behind the far too big drumset, or was having fun in front of the camera, or was bored during interviews… Now he’s 22 years old, married, and a father!
Shepherd… Sure I do love “my” Hanson guys, but they’re terribly good at choosing weird names for their children!