

Movie Night

Movie Night

We should have gone to bed extra early tonight, as we’re going to get up early tomorrow… But then we still had a movie night. We watched “Sleepy Hollow” with Johnny Depp in the leading part. It was an okay movie, thrilling and weird, with supernatural elements.

New Moon

New Moon

Yesterday evening I finally went to see New Moon in the cinema! I finally decided to go alone and see it, because I didn’t find anyone to go together with. What a movie! After watching Twilight I was a bit sceptical. I did like the movie, but I wasn’t totally satisfied. It wasn’t that similar to the novel, that’s probably why. But then I’ve watched it many more times, and I like it more and more. But I loved New Moon right away. One huge reason, I guess, was probably Jacob Black…



It’s the best summer holiday TV show EVER!! I still haven’t got the DVD, I just have it recorded from TV. When “Salve” was broadcast on TV I was only 9 years old, and ever since then I’ve been waiting for a sequel (“They did say ‘see you later’!”).