

I Took the Walk!

I Took the Walk!

I’m back home. Tired and a little frozen, but whatever! I’ve been in Stockholm all day. I took a charity walk (my dollar will be used for medical treatments), visited the Christmas fair in the Old City, and went to a café with some friends – some of them I haven’t met for 3 years! It’s crazy how time passes, it feels like we had that fangathering in Örebro just a year ago, but no…

Stockholm, Day 2: The Pride Parade

Stockholm, Day 2: The Pride Parade

Today was my first day ever at the Pride festival, and it was also my first time working as a volunteer at the Pride parade. It was… interesting to watch. We, the volunteers, were so happy because of the lovely weather in the morning – but at lunch when we started preparing the parade area it started raining, and it just wouldn’t stop… But neither the participants nor the audience seemed to care, and I was fascinated by the more than 150 groups who participated.