

Hanson in London – Underneath

Hanson in London – Underneath

Here is the third concert report from the Hanson in London concert series in June 2011! We have now arrived at the album “Underneath” which is kind of special to me, since it was that album they were touring with when I saw them live for the first time, in 2005. This show, like the previous ones, offered a lot of laughter and good music! But the best thing of all – according to me – happened after the show…

Takitsuba Weekend!

Takitsuba Weekend!

What are the odds that a Swedish girl is the first one to answer when I ask on an international blog how to get tickets to Tackey & Tsubasa tours? Not that high, but that was the case. And this weekend, less than one week after we first got in touch with each other, I went to Stockholm to meet her. The weekend was amazing, to say the least, with a lot of fangirl talking, concert dvds and fun video clips that made my stomach hurt because I laughed so much!

Hanson in London – This Time Around

Hanson in London – This Time Around

Here is my second out of five concert reports from the Hanson week in London, June 2011. On June 6th, it was time to hear “This Time Around”. That album actually isn’t among my favourites, listening to it as a whole, even though some of my favourite songs are from that album. However, I have to say now that this show was one of the best during the whole week! Songs like “If Only” and “Runaway Run” were great – but the main highlight which drove the audience wild and insane, was “In The City”!

Hanson in London – Middle of Nowhere

Hanson in London – Middle of Nowhere

This is the first of my five concert reviews from the Hanson week in London, June 2011. We were a big group of girls from Sweden who travelled together and stayed at the same hostel. On the first concert day we met in the line outside King’s College, where we patiently waited to get our tickets and The Story-VIP card. We made time pass quickly by dancing… After many long hours it was finally time for Middle of Nowhere!

I’m Going To London!

I’m Going To London!

Tomorrow I’m going to London! I’ll be away for a week. Why? Hanson! My favourite band of all time is finally coming back to Europe for some real concerts – a total of 5 concerts in London. One album each evening. There are many songs that I’ve waited for 14 years to hear live, so this will be a journey I’ll never forget!

Congratulations, Saade!

Congratulations, Saade!

Sweden didn’t win the Eurovision Song Contest this year either, even though we were in first place for a while during the voting. But Eric Saade ended up in third place (which could have been a second place if Italy hadn’t passed us with the final country voting) – and that is Sweden’s best result since we won in 1999! Really well done, Saade!