
Nyappy cafe-ko desu!

I’m tired, I’m just getting warm again, I have a headache, and I have bruises all over – but I am so happy! About an hour and a half ago I got back home from Stockholm and the concert and signing session with An Café.

I joined the waiting line for the signing session at 10:45 am together with three other girl I met there. I almost froze my toes off, and lost my sense of feeling in most parts of my body. The weather was so nice during Wednesday, why couldn’t it be nice today as well? The signing session started when planned, at 3 pm. It was my turn to enter the store after 15-20 minutes. I hadn’t been nervous at all before, but just as I reached the doors I started shaking like an aspen leaf!

It felt like an eternity before reaching the table where they were sitting: Teruki, Takuya, Mike, Yuuki and Kanon. I got my album signed, took photos with my really bad cell phone camera which made all photos blurry and unidentifiable – but they were posing and being so cute! I thanked them (in Japanese of course) and got to shake their hands! I had heard that it’s normal to shake hands instead of signing stuff in Japan, but I thought that as they would be signing they wouldn’t shake hands. But they did!! Maybe it’s not a big deal, but it still feels like a big deal to touch the members in one of my favourite bands. No European or American band I’ve met has allowed fans to shake their hands, only An Café.

Then we went to a café for a while to wait for two more girl before we went to Tyrol to continue waiting in line there. We got there at 4:45 pm. We should have been let inside at 5:30 pm but it was later than 6 pm when they finally let us in. It was freeeeeezing cold. I met a security guy who I met for the first time during Tokio Hotel’s signing session in 2007 and here and there after that. It is fun that he keeps recognizing me.

There were a whole lot of people inside Tyrol when we reached the concert area. We ended up standing right in the middle of it all and during the first part of the concert I managed to get to the fifth row right in the middle, in front of Miku. I got a spot where I had okay view of the stage, even though I’m short. But when I couldn’t get closer to the stage with acceptable methods and it was getting more crowded, I went away from there and got a spot on the left balcony instead. I’m happy I did, because I wouldn’t have seen Yuki or Teruki at all, and almost nothing of Kanon and Takuya, if I hadn’t. Where I was standing now, I could see the whole stage, great! You don’t get the same kind of connection and closeness to the band as if you stand close to the stage, but it’s still great to see them all, because they run all over the stage, doing funny things.

They played many of my favourite songs! They started with Cherry Saku Yuuki, then played Snow Scene, Kakusei Heroism, My Heart Leaps for C. And they ended the concert with Smile Ichiban Ii Onna, which I love! Another thing I love about An Café is that they aren’t in a hurry to get off the stage. When they finished playing they stayed for a long time, waving good bye to the fans, making heart symbols with their hands, walking here and there on the stage to wave to everyone. I think it took 5-10 minutes before they left the stage after the final song. Other bands finish playing, say “thank you, good bye” and disappear…

Oh, and they had learned some Swedish too! Haha! Teruki had learned the most, he said so many things! It was fun to hear, and he had such a cute accent! Miku had learned some, Kanon had only learned “Hej!” and Takuya only spoke English, like last time. I don’t remember if Yuki said anything at all. But he sang together with Miku in one song, he was rapping. Fun!

I have decided that I will learn some Japanese until next time, I have forgotten everything I once knew… Miku promised they will be back, and I believe him. I just hope they will have another signing session!

Oh, it’s very late now… I should go to bed!

I just have to say,
Vickan: It was nice to meet you! But I think we will have to meet “for real” soon again.
Kaka, Boll and Sushi: I’m so happy we found each other! If I had waited in line alone as I had planned, I would have had such a boring day! I hope we will meet again some day! Maybe on the next An Café concert?

3 thoughts on “Nyappy cafe-ko desu!

  1. angelica

    jag stod nästan längst fram vid signeringen, och sen stod jag där uppe till vänster på konserten 🙂
    såg jättebra och var så lycklig när snow scene spelades<3

  2. Vickan

    Kul att träffas ja! Vore såklart jättekul med en fangathering snart också. I’d love. Men alla är så upptagna, inklusive jag själv… =/

    Förresten så har jag typ skakat hand eller så på alla skivsigneringar jag varit på. Så vi delar inte samma uppfattning där. Lite lustigt. Men himla bra att du är nöjd med spelningen och signeringen iaf!

  3. kekko

    åå smile ichiban li onna <3 var ju som sagt inte där, men några av mina kompisar var där och jag fick höra den i telefonen <3 hörde lite andra låtar också men det hördes inte så bra.

    hörde att det blev problem med insläpp och start och så, var det det? att man fick stå väldigt länge där inne innan allt startade.

    brukar inte dom japanska banden skaka hand? har ju sett på ganska många videor på youtube när dom skakar hand och ett skrikande fan bara står och tjuter av lycka, haha.

    tur att du hade kul i allafall, skulle gärna vart på den där konserten och signeringen själv, men det blev inte så nu med japan-resan och allt, man vill ju spara lite pengar till man åker dit, haha.

    tips till nästa konsert: stå längst fram på en av trapporna på sidorna, där brukar medlemmarna i banden gå fram och sträcka ut handen och allt sånt där, fasst det gör dom ju i mitten av scenen också, men om man står i trappen kan man lyckas nudda dom, haha. som du kanske vet så gick ju jag ifrån lm.c-konserten med ett gott skratt av lycka med maya’s (lm.c sång) dna på min hand, haha.

    ha det bra, kram kekko/becca/bou

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