
This made my day!

Jag har inte varit på riktigt dåligt humör på hela dagen. Varför? Jo, tidigt imorse fick jag ett mejl från, där det stod följande:

Thank you so much to everyone who come out over the course of the Walk Tour this spring. We had a lot of fun playing those shows and felt really blown away by the amount of people who joined us on the walks. The amount of people who came out to each walk was almost double on average from the first walks we did last year. We have big plans for this summer, and hope that The Walk is only the beginning.

We are planning on getting back on the road in the US this fall, and plan on touring in Europe at the same time. We will let you know more as all the details come together.

Isaac, Taylor, Zac

En tanke om “This made my day!

  1. ellinor

    AAAAAAAH herregud mitt hjärta hoppade över ett slag där tror jag. om sverige skulle råka bli left out dör jag lite. eller, ganska mycket.


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